OK, I’m very sorry. That’s not at all what Philadelphia center Jason Kelce and guard Evan Mathis had to say to Eagles fans displaying the above sign outside their practice facility. Kelce tells Philly.com’s Jonathan Tamari the exchange was entirely civil.
Kelce and Mathis said they asked the fans to take down the sign. Both said they did not threaten the fans, but that the protesters complied.
“I support our fans, I support everyone that roots for us, everyone that comes to the games. That’s the wrong message that’s being displayed right now. I support freedom of speech,” said Kelce. “If you want to go out to talk bad stuff about the coaches or things like that do it on a blog, do it wherever you want, but don’t bring it to our front door right now when we’re 1-4 trying to get better we don’t need that kind of division on the team right now.”
But don’t fans who support the team have the right to voice their anger at a 1-4 start?
“They have the right to do that just as much as I have the right to tell them – ask them – to take a sign down. I support their freedom of spech and I support their right to say anything they want to. But what I want them to do is do that on a blog, do it in the media, but keep it away from here,” Kelce said. “Right now we’re tyring to come together as a team and get this thing fixed. We don’t need people calling for our coach’s head right in front of us on our front door when we’re trying to get better.”
Is nobody going to address the fact that the sign in question is a crime against English?