Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevic says he’s not a bandwagon-jumping White Sox fan. Photographic evidence to the contrary. From the Chicago Sun-Times’ Dave McKinney.

Good guys may wear black, but don’t expect Gov. Blagojevich (above, left) to be dressed that way when the White Sox bring World Series baseball to U.S. Cellular Field in the coming days.

His office let it be known Monday that the governor won’t be decked out in Sox gear or have a Sox cap atop his head if he attends any World Series games scheduled on the South Side.

“The governor does not know if he’ll be going to any of the games, but he would like to,” said his spokeswoman, Rebecca Rausch. “As for the Sox cap, obviously, the governor is first and foremost a Cubs fan. He’s happy the Sox made it to the World Series. But as far as wearing a Sox hat is concerned, he’ll stick with the Cubs.

That is in keeping with a column bearing his name last year in the Sporting News, describing his lifelong passion for the Cubs and taking a shot at his team’s American League rival, which at that point seemed farther from the World Series than the Cubs.

“I love being the governor,” Blagojevich wrote, “but I love just as much being a regular guy from the North Side of Chicago who bleeds Cubby blue — and wouldn’t wear a White Sox cap even if they made the World Series.”

The Sporting News column bearing his name created some awkward moments for the governor last year when the Daily Herald contrasted his zeal for the Cubs with a photo of him in a Sox jacket.

Blagojevich’s aides later said the governor didn’t actually write the column himself and that the words were those of a Sporting News writer who had interviewed him. The governor’s office did acknowledge seeing the column before it was published and signing off on its contents.