Released by the Orlando Magic last week, former St. John’s sensation Felipe Lopez shares his frustrations with the readers of HoopsHype.

To be honest, it seems like the decision to release me was taken way in advance. When they informed me about it, they told me a big man was what they were looking for. Had I known that before, I would have not come to training camp with the Magic. And anyway, if that was case, maybe they could have waited a little bit more to cut me. They could have given me the chance to play five or six games so that other NBA teams could see me. I think they should have shown more respect to Felipe Lopez the person. I feel like I have been used… But what can you do?

It’s just sad. I knew I had some support inside the organization. Not just for my basketball skills, but also because of my Latin roots. I thought that would be a plus for me here, but maybe I was wrong.