The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel’s Bob Wolfey reports Athlon Sports will publish results of a 146 major league player survey next week that touch upon a number of crucial topics.  for instance, 9.2% of the players polled picked their own wife as “the hottest woman alive” (Kate Upton finishing 2nd at 7.1%), while Rays skipper Joe Maddon was ranked as the game’s finest manager by 14.3% of those polled (it doesn’t appear as though Terry Collins finished in the top 10).  There’s one category, however, whose results make it crystal clear that baseball’s workforce is quite aware that Paul Lo Duca is no longer an active player.

A total of 26.4% of the players answered “any player” when asked to name the “player I would never want my daughter to marry.” Next came AJ Pierzynski of the Rangers (7.5%), followed by Alex Rodriguez of the Yankees (5.7%), with Jason Giambi and Nick Swisher of the Indians (both 2.8%).