Either Phil Mushnick doesn’t know how to say thank you or he’s stopped reading CSTB regularly. Or perhaps both. From the Savior Of All That Is Good & Pure in today’s NY Post :

Just when you think the flood has crested, perhaps is even about to subside, someone steps up to dump another bucket of crazy into the river.

That Michael Kay, who hosts a show on ESPN Radio-NY and promotes Yankee Pride on YES’s Yankee broadcasts, served as the commercial voice ” and lead drum-banger ” for a rich idiot’s delight they called the “Ultimate Experience” that invited dopes to spend $7,500 to touch the hems of Alex Rodriguez’s and Barry Bonds’ garments tonight, is beyond the pale. And the pail.

And then, after these commercials that found Kay oozing excitement over an opportunity for fools to engage in a pay-per-slobber, it was back to his radio show, during which Kay tells us what’s wrong with sports, with an emphasis, of course, on greed ” and now, steroids.