OK, obviously the Celtics have lofty goals that go above and beyond one man’s employment. But given the bold acquisitions of Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen, the assemblage of a stellar supporting cast and and 66 regular season wins (many of ’em delivered in clinical fashion), is there any doubt that a possible first round exit at the hands of no. 8 seed Atlanta would send Doc Rivers packing? Celtics Blog’s Jeff isn’t about to believe otherwise :

There’s simply no question in my mind that if the Celtics lose this game tomorrow, Doc Rivers has to get fired. End of story. I’d much prefer that they win this game and move on. I very much hope that Doc can turn this around and do enough to win the title. But my confidence is shaken and I’m very close to hitching my wagon to the Bill Simmons Can Doc Express.

Has anyone ever finished 2nd in Coach of the Year voting and been fired in the same year? We’re one loss away from seeing that happen.

Indeed, that would be weird. Almost as strange as the notion Rick Carlisle might be an NBA head coach on Monday and Rivers might not. Hey, I realize this isn’t a referendum and unless something well and truly fucked has happened to the universe, Horford, Bibby and Johnson should be looking at a 15-20 deficit before the 4th quarter has begun tomorrow.

But in the event that isn’t the case, Rivers really ought to have Rajon Rondo on the floor down the stretch in favor of Sam Cassell.

How thoroughly did Detroit dominate Orlando tonight? I’ll put it this way : J.J. Redick garnered more than 90 seconds of garbage tme.