On Friday, the New York Post’s Peter Vecsey reported that former Syracuse / longtime NBA power forward Derrick Coleman was in dire need of a heart transplant. In Saturday’s print edition, Vecsey quoted comments to the contrary from Coleman’s wife, Gina, but failed to note which Post reporter was responsible for the intial claim.
Said error, as you might expect, has resulted in no small amount of ridicule for Vecsey, along with the following report by the Detroit News’ Terry Foster :
“Do I sound like I need a heart transplant,” Coleman said Friday “I don’t know how this stuff gets started. I appreciate the love, but please tell everybody that I am fine.”
Coleman, 40, who played with the Nets, 76ers and briefly with the Pistons, is being treated with blood thinners to dissolve clots in his chest. Coleman said once the treatment is completed he will receive a shock to the heart and will resume his normal duties.Coleman said he nearly jumped out of his hospital bed when he saw a local television report he needed a heart transplant.
“If I needed one I would be calling a press conference begging for one,” he said. “This ain’t that serious.”