The Daily Star’s Michael Booker reports Jeremy Kyle, the former life insurance salesman turned chat host / chav-tastic TV icon, will be removed from the small screen next February.

Kyle, 43, has come under fire for œexploiting dysfunctional families since he hit TV screens in 2005.

His shows have included œBrother, I™ll Prove I™m the Father Of Your Ex-Girlfriend™s Baby and œIf I Can™t Have Children, How Can It Be My Baby?.

Angry guests have tried to assault the ex-radio DJ when they objected to his comments about their personal problems.

In 2007 when a man head-butted his love rival. Security guard David Staniforth, 45, attacked bus driver Larry Mahoney, 39, after discovering he had begun an affair with his wife Jennifer after moving into their home as a lodger.

Staniforth, of Chesterfield, Derbys, is believed to be the first person convicted of assaulting someone on a British talk show. District Judge Alan Berg, sitting at Manchester Magistrates™ Court, branded the show a œhuman form of bear-baiting.

And he added: œIt seems to me the purpose of this show is to effect a morbid and depressing display of dysfunctional people whose lives are in turmoil.

Cash-strapped ITV bosses now say the cost of screening the show daily is too high.

And one of the biggest bills was paying for œguests to stay at hotels near the Granada studios in Manchester.

An ITV insider told the Daily Star Sunday last night: œPeople appearing on the show love to get the chance to stay in a hotel at ITV™s expense but it™s too much to keep paying out.

œThe screenings will be scaled back until next year when the show will go for good. It is unfortunate but everything has a shelf-life and this has come to an end.