From the Herald Times’ James Boyd :

Kelvin Sampson is no longer the men™s basketball coach at Indiana University.

Sampson agreed to a $750,000 buyout today, with the university naming Dan Dakich as the interim head coach.

As part of the settlement, Sampson will agree to forgo the right to file future lawsuits against the university for wrongful termination or any other action.

Sampson is facing five potentially œmajor NCAA violations, stemming from various calls to recruits.

IU President Michael McRobbie announced a week ago the formation of an internal investigating body that was to look into whether Sampson lied to both university and NCAA officials.

The results of that investigation haven™t been revealed yet.

While I mean no disrespect to the well-regarded Dakich, this Hoosier squad is sorely in need of a talismanic figure who can function as a bridge to their glorious past and potentially rosy future. I implore the University’s athletic deparment and board of regents to hotly pursue the only man who meets the above criteria.

The only question is whether or not James Dolan will let him go.