…some 45 years ago.  On promos for “Daily New Live” airing during tonight’s Giants/Mets tilt, Chris Cotter is shown asking Joe From Saddle River “when was the last time you read a book from cover to cover?”

“1963?” replied Benigno-Gazingo.

A what a fantastic read it must’ve been.

“The Cubs probably don’t have the talent to meet the asking price Oakland would attach to Rich Harden,” insisted ESPN’s Buster Olney earlier today,  “and even then, Harden hasn’t yet pitched enough this year to bury questions about whether he can hold up.” And in spite of this observation, the A’s have shipped Harden to Chicago’s North Side (along with Chad Guadin) in exchange for P Sean Gallagher, Matt Murton, OF Eric Patterson and C Josh Donaldson. You can label Athletics Nation’s Nico as being somewhat philosophical in the wake of Oakland going into sell mode :

The moment Harden goes down for the count the trade will look good. Put me in the camp that believes the A™s expect to see that happen before the season ends.

It™s clear that the A™s, just two games back of the Wild Card in the loss column, looked at their team and said, œThere™s just no way, because there is a real psychological cost to pulling the rug out from under a team that has competed against all odds. Perhaps Frank Thomas™ MRI report was unfavorable, or perhaps Billy Beane knows in his heart that the team has overachieved, to this point, beyond what is sustainable for another 2.5 months.

If it seems like all the marquee pitchers (and Rich Harden) are headed to the NL Central of late, somewhat lost amdist Cleveland’s trade of C.C. Sabathia was the Tribe’s recent acquisition of Wevie Stonder I. The Dream Weaver has yet to make his first start for the Indians’ Buffalo affiliate, but now that he’s sharing a locker room with former Met Matt Ginter, I’m very hopeful we’ll be hearing the duo’s Holy Mountain debut before long.