…and everyone else’s nightmare? Joe Buck, as interviewed by TV Guide (link swiped from Sports Media Watch)

TVGuide.com: Tell me a little bit about the late-night pilot you shot for Fox.

Buck: At this point, it™s just a pilot. I guess the next step is just to wait for Fox to let me know if they like it or not. I™m proud of it. The idea was hatched when I was working on these spots for Budweiser with a Saturday Night Live writer named Matt Piedmont. We hit it off and one of the spots we did was this interview in the back of a cab. So we decided to expand that and do it as a pilot for Fox.

TVGuide.com: So it™s a talk show in a cab?

Buck: It starts and ends in the cab. The middle portion has skits and an interview segment that takes place in a New York loft. It was fun. I did one sketch with David Spade and another one with Paul Rudd.

TVGuide.com: I heard a real New York City taxi driver named Abebe is going to be your cohost.

Buck: That™s the best part. He™s a legitimate, everyday, working cabdriver, who was born in Ethiopia and grew up in Cuba. If this thing ever takes off, it™ll be the American dream for him. So he™s the cohost and he™s a smart, sweet, funny guy.