Have you wondered at all recently what would cause Boston Red Sox principal owner John Henry to stop Tweeting? Me neither, but as the prog-rocking Harry Anderson lookalike explains in a NESN.com blog, it’s because of the harsh treatment meted out to “a humble, soft-spoken, gentle giant prepared to do whatever is asked of him as long as it benefits those who are less fortunate.”

David Ortiz played a central role in our two World Series championships with a warmth and good-naturedness that helped redefine a franchise and a region. His impact and heroics illustrated for all of us that when the chips are down, one man can lift an entire community on his shoulders — not just a baseball team.

He continually gave us glimpses of what we are all capable of.  He represented the Boston Red Sox in a way that every owner dreams about. He was always accessible to the media when others were not.  He™s been a stand-up guy in every conceivable way for seven years.

But when his name was illegally leaked from a list of players — many of whom (not all) “tested positive” for performance-enhancing drugs “ the Boston media (and some members in particular) went after him without hesitation or restraint.  Even after David offered an articulate defense of his actions, no member of the media said that perhaps there had been a rush to judgment, or that perhaps their remarks should be reexamined, or that perhaps, given their knowledge of David’s character, he should be given the benefit of the doubt.

I stopped writing during that period.