(Darren Sharper lowering the boom on Santana Moss during the 2nd quarter)
I’ve been trying to pay a bit of attention to the Vikings/Redskins game (16-13, Minnesota, 3rd quarter) but the introduction of Jamie Foxx as the 4th man in the booth was just too much for me. Just because Foxx can carry Colin Farrell doesn’t mean he’s capable of elevating Joe Theismann’s game. Particularly uncomfortable was the segment in which Foxx was asked to comment on Dan Snyder’s new Best Friend Forever, Tom Cruise. While Cruise was awkwardly given props, they promptly cut to a shot of Mr. Risky Biz in a luxury box, alongside the Highly Agitated Sham wife. There might’ve even been a football game happening, who knows?
There’s a joke to be had about Xenu, Tom Cruise & football here, but I am too tired to make it. I saw this part of the game last night and was deeply mystified.