What do Max Kellerman and David Weave Roth have in common? Other than the mutual admiration society all great artists belong to, that is? They both had extremely short tenure’s at New York’s Free 92.3. From the New York Daily News’ Bob Raissman.
Last week, Kellerman (above) was scheduled to do a two-day (Monday/Tuesday) Free FM (92.3) trial with Sid (Sidiot) Rosenberg. And on Monday, Kellerman got into the always touchy subject of race.
Kellerman did not pull any punches. A CBS Radio mole said the consensus was Kellerman went too far. So, before he was scheduled to return for the Tuesday show, Kellerman was told his audition was over.
This left Rosenberg, who remarkably kept his mouth shut while Kellerman went into his race rap, to work with another partner. Sidiot sounded good and, although no one is talking, I’ve got to believe he could be headed for a steady gig at Free FM.
If that happens, the FANdroids (Free FM and WFAN are owned by CBS) should look to also reunite him with Joe Benigno in midday. As stated in this space before, outside of Mike Francesa/Chris (Mad Dog) Russo the sound of FAN has become rather bland. It needs the kind of spice Sidiot can sprinkle.
If anyone can shed some light as to what Kellerman said that was “going too far”, I’d really appreciate it. Presumably, Kellerman’s previous shows on 92.3 with the pride of Red Hook, Tazz, were within the boundaries of good taste.
I’ve searched and searched, but I can’t seem to find anything on what Kellerman said that was “going too far”. I’m very curious to know what was said, considering Kellerman has proved time and time again that he would be the last person on radio that could be considered racist. His lifestyle, friends and tastes prove otherwise.
If you or anyone else reading this has any information on what was said, please email me and let me know.
well, there’s nothing in Raissman’s report to indicate that Kellerman made racist statements. Just that he made statements “about race” that were “going too far”. Which might’ve included, for instance, questioning someone else’s views on race.
Perhaps you’re right. Thanks.
Still, I wish I could find out what exactly he said that got them so upset that they wouldn’t let him finish the two day experiment.