I suspect Jerry Lawler has as much chance of becoming Mayor of Memphis as Christopher X. Brodeur has of occupying Gracie Mansion someday, but I’ll use any excuse to post the above video clip. From The Sun :
“I am going to do some media interviews and see what level of support is out there before I officially declare.
“The people of Memphis are so tired of the political circus that we have been living in for the past 18 years and hopefully, are tired of politicians in general.
“I would be an alternative to that since I am not a politician and never want to be one.
“Just someone who could bring some common sense to the office of Mayor and hopefully make my hometown of Memphis a city that people want to come to, instead of move away from.
“I will be making an announcement by the end of this week.”
This would be the second time that Lawler has ran for Mayor.
During a 1999 run he garnered 11.7% of ballots, laying the SmackDown on twelve of the fifteen candidates. His platform focused on making the streets safer for residents, beautifying the city, and improving the quality of education.