The day after the Cardinals’ 100 win season ended with a whimper, at least St. Louis’ Ray King could be relied on to think about the team. From the Bellville News-Democrat’s Joe Ostermeir and David Wilheim.

Reliever Ray King said Wednesday he wants to be traded after not being used by the St. Louis Cardinals in the postseason.

“If I can’t pitch here, then let me pitch somewhere else,” said King, who was on the roster but not used in any of the Redbirds’ nine playoff games. “I busted my tail both years I’ve been here, and to me, I feel it’s a slap in the face not to get a chance to pitch in the postseason.”

King’s father, John, died Oct. 6, the day of Game 2 of the Cardinals’ division series with San Diego. King went home to Tennessee after the Cards won the next game to sweep the Padres, and returned in time for the start of the NLCS with Houston on Oct. 12.

“I know my dad passed away, but still, if I didn’t want to pitch, I wouldn’t be here,” King said. “I’m pretty bitter about that.”

“I feel I was disrespected in the situation,” King said. “Not taking anything from any of the guys, I enjoyed playing here … but it’s a slap in the face I didn’t get to pitch in one postseason game.”

Red Sox third base coach Dale Sveum (above) has announced that he’s leaving Boston to become a member of Ned Yost’s coaching staff in Milwaukee. Expect the number of outfield assists for teams in the NL Central to increase by 20 or so next season.