I’m not quite certain how the afternoon drive listeners of Austin’s KVET AM will survive without such broadcasting innovations as having YouTube videos played over the radio, but that just shows what kind of untalented boob multimedia pioneer Gregg Henson was. “When Janet Jackson’s hooter popped out, that was the end of risk taking in radio,” writes Henson following his Tuesday firing. “The large radio companies have no incentive to take risk and that is where my story ends.”

The upside is, I can now concentrate on my web sites…I have 4 that very shortly will replace much of the income I was receiving in radio. GreggHenson.com has grown beyond belief and USSportspages.com has loyal subscribers who keep us going. GreggHenson.com will get much more attention as you guys have really embraced the site and made it a HUGE success. This web site did one million unique visitors and over two million page views in 2007, easily making is the largest blog in Detroit….even though I am not there. For that I am grateful to you. Thanks. I will continue to bring you the latest “inside” news on Detroit radio and media.

Thanks for the continued support, I will be podcasting for fun very soon, but I will not attempt another radio gig, I am walking away. I know this will make some small minded people ecstatic, but just understand, it was always about entertaining you.

On behalf of small minded people all over town, I would like to wish Gregg the very best in his future endeavors, particularly if they are limited to his “web sites” and he’s really off the radio for good.