(guy on the left recommends lawyers to the guy on the right)

From the Daily Breeze’s Larry Altman.

Kwame Brown, known for small hands that occasionally bobble passes on the basketball court, enjoyed a real cakewalk Saturday, according to a police report. For reasons only he knows — and he’s not talking — Brown allegedly snatched a man’s $190 2-by-2-foot chocolate birthday cake out of his arms.

Once he had the cake, Brown opted not to eat it, too; instead he allegedly hurled the single-layer chocolate dessert at the man, striking him in the upper back.

It all went down outside the Blue 32 nightclub on Hermosa Avenue.

It seems that several Lakers headed to the watering hole following their 109-106 victory over the Orlando Magic on Friday, according to a Hermosa Beach police report. Just down the street, Alexander Martinez, the man who filed the report, was celebrating his 30th birthday at the Shore Restaurant and Lounge.

About 1:45 a.m. Martinez left the restaurant, his birthday cake in his arms, and walked north. Martinez told police he came upon Ronny Turiaf of the Lakers.

Martinez, the report said, asked if Turiaf would pose for a photograph with him. Turiaf obliged.

Martinez continued walking along Hermosa Avenue, then stopped with his cake in both hands in front of Blue 32. According to Martinez’s report, Brown came along, grabbed the cake out of his arms and threw it at him.

The report gives no indication why Brown would do such a thing.

The whole thing sounds fishy to me. First of all, since when has Kwame thrown a decent outlet pass? For another, are we really supposed to believe someone wants to have their photo taken with Ronny Turiaf?

Still, for a guy unfairly slurred by Michael Jordan so many years ago, Kwame has done wonders for his badass rep since arriving in Los Angeles. Who dares drive the lane against a cake thief?