Goalkeeper Jens Lehman tells the Guardian’s John Brodkin that he’s fully in favor of Arsenal fans’ plans to lambaste their former Gunner Ashley Cole during Sunday’s away match at Chelsea.

“Of course. He should get it,” Lehmann said. “That’s football and it makes it exciting. If not, it would have meant he wasn’t an important player for them [the fans]. But he was, he was a vital member of our squad and we had big success with him so of course he has to expect some negative emotions towards him

Arsenal fans intend to wave fake money at Cole, who left for Chelsea in August after a falling out with the board that began when he felt the directors reneged on a verbal agreement over the scale of a pay rise. That is a prominent issue addressed by Cole in his book, which Lehmann has no intention of reading.

“To be honest I am not fancying books from players who are 24 or 25 who would like to tell me about their big experience,” the 37-year-old said. “When I consider my age, I would have a lot more to tell. It seems to be an English habit, to come out with books that really nobody needs.”

In defense of England’s publishers and professional sportsmen, they’re not the only ones that come out with books nobody really needs.