While it seems to be just one-way traffic at this point, give it time, my friends. David Scott on Bill Simmons’ Thursday chat with WEEI’s Dennis & Callahan :

After co-host Gerry Callahan suggested Rick Reilly could be making as much as $3 million a year with his new ESPN deal, Simmons said, œI don™t even care about the money (he™s making). I care about the fact he only has to write 800 words all week. What does he do all week? I™m just getting warmed up at 800 words.Also, Simmons said of Reilly, œI don™t think (his hiring) has really changed my life in any way other than he touches my soul with his writing. That™s really it. He™s raising the bar morally, financially. . . he™s raising it all over the place. I™m just happy to be along for the ride.

(Now THAT was tongue-in-cheek. And a bit petty, too, wethinks.)

Earlier in the interview, Simmons denied being a œprima donna and suggested that he is not œsleeping on the couch anymore with ESPN and is œBack in the bed, but. . . not getting any (action).

Simmons also went with an old and tired refrain after trying to goad Callahan into agreeing that it™s tough to write for such a large company like Disney or Sports Illustrated (where Callahan was for five years). œI think you know it™s very hard to write for a conglomerate, moaned the non-prima donna. œIt seems like people leave big conglomerates and don™t look back.

Depending on their annual results (ie. the profitabilty of “John Clayton : The Ride”), Disney might seek to consolidate Simmons and Reilly’s future columns.  Something about a dying boy’s last wish and Jeannie Garth.