From the New York Daily News’ Lisa Olsen. The congratulatory fruit-basket from Victor Kiam was lost in transit.

Years ago, baseball players fell all over themselves in the rush to high-five Benson after he bagged a vixen stripper. Marrying Anna might have been the highlight of Kris’ life, or so the guys thought when they got a look at Anna’s expensive accessories. Seven years on, Anna claims the marriage is “irretrievably broken” – a nice way of saying Kris did something naughty – and baseball’s oddest couple is breaking up.

“Where do we send Kris the congratulations cards?” one Yankee quipped the other day, upon hearing the hardly unexpected news. In normal guy world, he and his mates already would have procured Anna’s digits, but even baseball players have standards.

Lately partners of professional athletes have been popping up everywhere, flashing their frisky independence and putting the guys into uncomfortable situations. That’s what they get for straying from the cookie cutter mold that had long turned out docile, child-bearing knock-outs who cheered quietly from the stands and agreed to stay at home during their husband’s road trips.

Now Kendra Davis causes a commotion a few rows up from the court, prompting her husband Antonio to rush to her aid. A few weeks later, the Knicks trade Davis, and we hope he’s forever washing her feet in thanks. Now Janet Jones Gretzky is linked to a betting ring under criminal investigation, shocking those who can’t fathom how Wayne wasn’t aware his wife had her own interests or urges. Now Kimberly Bell leaks intimate tape recordings of threats made by her lover Barry Bonds, and the public mostly shrugs it off as the work of a jilted mistress.

Feminism is a righteous gift. Women have the god-given ability to be as sleazy and mouthy and crazy as the next guy. Some can be all three while sliding half-naked down a pole, an athletic endeavor we don’t see many men attempting. And some guys, we have learned, are brilliantly astute. Remember Anna’s public vow to sleep with the entire Met team, including bat boys, if Kris had an affair?

Anna claims it was a joke. Anna claims a lot of things, so we’ll take her word on this one. But our highly informal poll of baseball players suggests there wouldn’t be many takers. And so the species evolves.