Ok, I’ve bailed on North Texas/Texas. The latter are comfortably ahead, 35-7, midway through the 3rd quarter, and my brain has uncomfortably melted in the early afternoon sun.
(I don’t actually know any of the above persons, but by the end of the afternoon, we’ll be like family. With all the recriminations, resentments, forgotten birthdays and feelings of abandonment).
At a pseudo-TGI Friday’s down the road from Royal-Memorial (this place looks perfect for Leitch’s next birthday bash…if Chuck E. Cheese is booked), I can barely crain my neck to find the one screen showing Idaho/Michigan State. Vandy/Michigan is on a handful of flatscreens, but the only pleasure to be had is imagining Buster Olney getting snappy with his family while the Wolverines extend their lead to 20-7.
Since Maurice Clarett never responded to my offer of a ticket for OSU/Texas, I’m thinking about making it available to the highest bidders…as a time share. I figure I can make more loot selling it by the quarter.
I’ve been asked via text what Chuck Norris is doing at the Texas game. A cynic would say he’s just shilling for the World Combat League. But I know there’s no way in hell that Walker (Texas Ranger) would dare miss the Scratch Acid reunion.