(Iggy beckons security —- there’s a former Astro taping the show!)

Trigger-happy Jason Lane-clone Luke Scott, currently the starting rightfielder for the Baltimore Orioles, is one of my favorite topics, blog-wise. In part, though, that’s because he’s a rather infrequent visitor to this space. Sure, every now and then he lets his inner Charles Bronson out to play, and kind of gets in trouble for it. But most of the time, Scott just goes about balancing strikeouts and homers — an 8-to-1 ratio is a good standard — and doing what he does. Or so I imagined. A recent post from Bugs and Cranks, which arrived courtesy of Stephen Sykes, suggests that there might be more going on in Luke’s life than gun cleaning and silent mouthing of tough guy dialogue into his bathroom mirror:

When Orioles left fielder Luke Scott came to the plate in the fourth inning of yesterday™s Opening Day loss to Tampa, the Camden Yards PA system pounded out an unmistakable few bars of Iggy and the Stooges™ 1969 song œI Wanna Be Your Dog.

…And œI Wanna Be Your Dog isn™t exactly a tune you™ll hear in church. I™ve never been able to figure out what exactly is so lewd about œI Wanna Be Your Dog, but there™s something vaguely creepy about it. I love it, of course. So, could Luke Scott also be a Stooges fan? Seems an odd match. I guess there™s always the possibility that he didn™t choose the music himself.

Yeah, but isn’t there also a possibility that Scott is the one current baseball player who isn’t strictly on some Jars of Clay shit? Well, let me answer that: no. There is no possibility of Luke Scott being that guy. Although I guess I wouldn’t have suspected Todd Benzinger to be a guy with a taste for the independent music, and Gerard once told me that T-Benz was a frequent patron of Boston’s Newbury Comics. But as far as Scott, goes, this seems more likely (continuing directly from the Bugs and Cranks post):

Also, since Scott strolled to the plate immediately following Ramon Hernandez™s 6-4-3 rally killer, David Chalk commented that maybe the Orioles will play the Stooges after every double play they hit into.

Which is probably good news for Baltimore-area Stooges fans.