…so he’d appreciate it if they got out of his fucking sight. Earlier this week, Sirius/XM Mad Dog Radio evening host Dino Costa opined that if Johnny Manziel’s off-field escapades were being committed by a black athlete rather than the Texas A&M sophomore, he’d be “celebrated”. I thought that might’ve been the most aggressively stupid statement I’ve heard since the channel’s inception, but hey, it was still early in the week.

In the week of Rockets F Terrence Jones kicking a homeless man in Portland, a caller to Scott Wetzel — subbing for Chris Russo Thursday — suggested Jones’ actions were deserving of greater outrage than Riley Cooper’s YouTube’d remarks at a Kenny Chesney concert.

Wetzel didn’t spend much time on that particular question, instead taking the opportunity to tell the entire world, “Nothing against the homeless…but go find a home.”

“I don’t  have a lot of sympathy for the homeless. I’m sorry. 90 percent of that is…you choose that life, if that’s the life you wanna choose…I can open the newspaper and find a job at McDonald’s or in security. Get a job. Get a home.”

“Get out of the street at 3am! I am sure, I am sure…in Portland, Oregon..there’s places where the homeless can go to sleep. In every major city, there’s nice food…go find a place to sleep.”

Wetzel then preceded to tell a story about a guy in Times Square making more than $100 day with a cardboard sign pleading for weed money.

“Every time I go to work…I pass more than a dozen. After you pass the 7th one, all you can say is, ‘get a job’. They’re the same people all the time. They’re living in mansions! They’re rolling around in dirt, going down to the subway and sticking their hands out..”

“…that’s no reason to stomp on them, though.”

Really, are you sure? I mean, have you really fully researched it, Scott? Can you say with 100% certainty that these parasites who so brazenly interrupt your daily commute DO NOT DESERVE TO BE CURB STOMPED?

In 2012, a mainstream monthly published in article in which they claimed Wetzel’s colleague, Dino Costa, was homeless for a stretch in the late 1990’s. If we’re to buy into Wetzel’s nuanced take, this was less a matter of Costa contending with dire circumstances, but rather, it was a textbook case of laziness. A lifestyle choice, if you will.

It’s slightly amazing that Sirius/XM employs a guy to sneer at society’s luckless — some of whom were at one time or another dodging bullets (ostensibly) in the name of protecting Wetzel’s way of life —- but perhaps he can serve as a role model of sorts. If you’re living on the street or in a cardboard box, take it from Scott Wetzel — you need to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps. Slap on some cologne! Grab a shower at the Y! And head straight over to Sirius/XM’s Manhattan HQ. At the very least, the very helpful Wetzel can show you all the want ads he’s highlighted. HOMELESSNESS SOLVED.  It’s simply a matter of will!

Failing that, maybe you could just apply for Scott’s job. If you’re able to string two sentences together, you’re far more qualified to host a radio show.