The Dallas Morning News’ Eddie Sefko has the dubious pleasure of providing the Mavs’ Owner With A Boner with yet another forum for his unique brand of informed opinion.

Mark Cuban believes Dirk Nowitzki and Steve Nash should be starters for the Western Conference at next month’s All-Star Game in Las Vegas.

The fan balloting had neither one earning a spot. The owner said it should be clear why certain players always win the fan vote.

“The majority of NBA Internet traffic is international, and the majority of that international traffic has been trained to vote along party lines,” Cuban said. “You have to adjust to that. It’s an international vote, and a whole lot of communists voted. They always vote the party line.”

If executives at TNT were hoping for healthy ratings for the upcoming All-Star Weekend in Las Vegas, the New York Times’ Howard Beck has some very, very bad news.

The worst moment of Nate Robinson™s NBA career will not prevent him from repeating his best moment. The league has invited Robinson to defend his slam-dunk title next month at All-Star weekend. Robinson had feared he might be denied that chance because he instigated the Dec. 16 brawl with Denver. Robinson served a 10-game suspension. œI™m ecstatic, he said of defending his title. Regarding the fight and its effect on his image, Robinson said, œThat™s behind me, what happened.