From the Baltimore Sun’s Jamison Hensley.

The Ravens have completed a trade for the former co-Most Valuable Player, QB Steve McNair that is contingent on McNair passing a physical.

If he passes a physical, it is believed the Ravens will send a fourth-round pick to the Tennessee Titans. There is a possibility that the draft pick would escalate to a third-round choice based on McNair’s playing time.

Results of the physical are not expected to be available until Thursday, according to the Ravens.

“He will arrive Wednesday evening and take his physical,” team spokesman Kevin Byrne said. “Hopefully we’ll get good news in the morning.”

McNair would become a Raven by 4:05 p.m. Thursday, when NFL transactions become official.

The Ravens have had an agreement in place with McNair on a contract since April 30, the second day of the NFL draft. The agreement will pay McNair an $11 million signing bonus and $1 million in his first season in Baltimore.

In the unlikely event McNair needs a guided tour of some of Charm City’s more outstanding landmarks, he could do worse than check out this item from City Paper (link courtesy Joel Hunt)