The New York Daily News’ Teri Thompson, Christian Red, Nathaniel Vinton and Michael O’Keefe reported earlier today lawyers for Brian McNamee claim the former personal trainer to Roger Clemens has turned over damning physical evidence of the Rocket’s PED use.

McNamee’s attorneys would not discuss the details of the evidence, but according to a source close to the former Yankee strength and conditioning coach, McNamee gave the Justice Department’s BALCO investigators vials with traces of steroids and growth hormone, as well as blood-stained syringes and gauze pads that may contain the Rocket’s DNA.
Justice Department officials have sent the evidence to a lab for testing, and if the materials do indeed contain traces of drugs and blood, prosecutors may attempt to get a court order for a DNA sample from Clemens.

McNamee plans to discuss the evidence with the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform tomorrow, when he is interviewed by the panel’s attorneys in preparation for next Wednesday’s congressional hearing on the challenges Clemens has raised about the Mitchell Report.

“We will provide Congress with corroborative physical evidence that takes this case out of the he-said, she-said purview,” said another McNamee lawyer, Richard Emery. “From our point of view, this corroborates that Brian told the truth from Day One and Clemens has not.”

In a statement released to the media, Clemens™ attorney Lanny Breuer called McNamee a œtroubled man who has lied to federal investigators and former Sen. George Mitchell and accused the trainer of manufacturing evidence.

œHe said Roger treated him like family — but he now claims he kept blood, gauze, and needles from Roger Clemens for seven years. It defies all sensibility. It is just not credible — who in their right mind does such a thing? Breuer said.

I dunno, a lover scorned?