From Mets Daily’s John Stubel.

Kathy Foronjy, a producer for PBS projects and Coburn Productions, and her creative partner Joe Coburn, are in the production stages of the first-ever Mets documentary. The project is unlike anything of kind, as Mets history, warts and all, is being recorded and packaged for Met fans, by Met fans. No frills, no public relations or marketing facade. It’s raw and true.

“The purpose of this documentary is to document the love affair between Mets fans and their team,” said Foronjy. “Each year players come and go. Managers are hired or ownership changes hands. A new stadium is built or the team picks up and leaves all together. There are only two constants in baseball; the game and the fans. In our opinion their stories are the most interesting of all and, as yet, untold. The point is to keep things as real as possible; we don’t want a fake studio look.”

I hate to blast a film before I’ve seen it, never mind before it is completed (didn’t stop me with “Love Monkey”, though), but here goes nuthin’. A warts and all documentary about the Mets’ crazy history could be compelling viewing. While every club in the big leagues has had its characters, scandals, etc., you could make a case for the Mets’ 44 year tenure as having included some of the game’s most comical, sordid, funny and shameful episodes. And that’s even if you can’t secure footage of David Cone beating off in the bullpen.

But a film about “the love affair between Mets fans and their team”….excuse me for shitting all over Ms. Fornojy’s noble efforts, but I’ve got a newsflash for her and every other delusional Mets fan : the bond between you and your favorite club is no more precious, close or unique than that of any other drooling, obsessed baseball fan. If 12 year olds wanna pretend otherwise, that’s fine. But there’s someone out there who has an incurable boner (or bone-ette) for the Cubs, the Dodgers, the Cardinals and (as we know all too well) the Red Sox and Yankees, and their devotion is just as great a sign of misplaced priortities as yours.

Now if Kathy wanted to make a film about the hardcore supporters of the Tampa Bay Devil Rays and their oh-so-special relationship with the club, that might actually be worth checking out. Admittedly, it would be tough to find such persons (as well as filling up 70-90 minutes of screentime), but perhaps Errol Morris can help out.

Over the weekend, the Mets announced that former Expos hitting instructor Frank Cacciatore (above) is the new manager of the Sally League’s Hagerstown Suns.’s Marty Noble reports that Victor Zambrano and Chris Woodward agreed to one year contracts with the club yesterday, both avoiding arbitration.

Points out Noble,

With Ramon Castro having signed last week, the Mets have again avoided arbitration. They haven’t had a case go to hearing since 1992, when David Cone won his case and was awarded $4.25 million, and Kevin Elster ($760,000 rather than the $1.35 million he had submitted) and Jeff Innis ($355,000 rather than the $650,000 he had submitted) lost.

Indeed, that contentious arbitration hearing was really the turning point in Jeff Innis’ career, not to mention that of the fired NY Post staffer whose “INNIS IN THE MOURNING” headline was ruled grounds for dismissal.