With a two run homer by the red-hot Mike Cameron (proving, much like Tim Raines did several years back that Spring Training is unneccessary for some) in this afternoon’s contest at Milwaukee, the Mets have brought their National League leading HR mark to 39. Both the WB 11 broadcast duo of Dave O’Brien and Tom Seaver and FSN North’s mumblers last night noted that the Mets’ HR total is remarkable given Shea Stadium being such a pitcher-friendly venue.

Of course, neither set of talking skulls thought it pertinent that the Mets’ nine home runs in the past 3 games at Miller Park have padded the figure.

With his first inning leadoff walk, SS Jose Reyes has now collected 4 walks in the past 5 games after managing zero in the prior 26. That said, Reyes hasn’t totally turned over a new leaf, swinging at Chris Capuano’s first pitch (and lining out) with two outs, no one on board and the Mets trailing by one in the top of the 7th. Seemingly running out of steam after Cameron’s blast in the 6th, Capuano threw a mere 11 pitches while retiring Chris Woodward, Kaz Matsui and Reyes.

Tom Seaver refered to Chicago’s Ozzie Guillen as “Rookie Manager Of The Year”, which will come as some surprise to those who observed Guillen managing the White Sox throughout 2004.