I’ve read the Newsday story twice and upon finding no menton anywhere of John Franco, I’ve decided to move on.

Much as I hate to take the gloss off Tom Glavine’s 2nd consecutive quality start, nor big offensive displays by Jose Reyes (above), Mike Piazza and David Wright, when was the last time a team as fundamentally challenged as these Cincinnati Red took the field at Shea? Other than the 2004 Mets, that is. Perhaps that spending spree on Joe Randa, Kent Mercker and David Weathers wasn’t quite enough to make the Reds competitive. It might be time for Dave Miley to start a rumor that he was having an affair with the same married lady as Tony Pena —- anything to escape watching Danny Graves’ version of “relief” pitching, thus clearing the decks for Larry Bowa or whichever other masochist wants the job.

Your pitching match ups for the not-so-special Subway Series are as follows

Friday : Kevin Brown vs. Victor Zambrano (advantage : hitters from both teams)
Saturday : Randy Johnson vs. Kris Benson (advantage : websites that mention Anna Benson frequently as a cheap device to increase traffic).
Sunday : Carl Pavano vs. Pedro Martinez (advantage : a tie between websites that mention Alyssa Milano frequently as a cheap device to increase traffic and the makers of cortisone.)