To borrow from CSTB entries of July 2-4, 2004, Robert Merrill, Adrienne Shelley, Spike Lee, Suzyn Waldman, Michael Kay, Rudolph Giulliani, Andrew Giulliani, Billy Crystal, Dean Wareham, heck, even Paul Sommerstein…this one’s for you!

Watching Bernie Williams continue to struggle in CF makes me ache for my friends who follow the Yankees. Surely Brian Cashman knows that Roger Cedeno is available?

I hope someone takes the jerk behind the Won’t The Bloodletting Cease blog to task for all of his nasty remarks last year wishing that Cliff Floyd would retire.

John Sterling today claimed that Tom Glavine was “a joy to watch” because the Mets pitcher “does it all with his brain, his arm doesn’t have much left.” Yeah, it’s a thing of beauty. Especially if your eyes are closed.