….of Stephen Baldwin as the next Mike Veeck. “God knows (the Marlins) could use some divine influence to attract a crowd,” writes the Sun-Sentinel’s Craig Davis, but since God is probably too busy watching the NBA Finals, Miami will have to rely on the intervention of 3 Miami ballplayers.
Left fielder Juan Pierre is the face of the Miami Marlins’ upcoming Beast Mode For Christ Fellowship Day. Pierre, along with some teammates and Marlins chaplain Chris Lane will discuss their faith with fans on the west plaza outside Marlins Park following the June 15 game against the Cardinals.
“Me, [Chris] Coghlan and [Steve] Cishek are going to give testimonies. I’m excited about it,” said Pierre, who operates BeastModeForChrist.com. “I know other people may believe in other things, but I like to share my faith, and hopefully people will come to know the Lord. That’s the ultimate thing.”
That event follows last Sunday’s 10th Jewish Heritage Day that featured the Israeli and the U.S. national anthems before the Marlins-Mets game. Those who purchased the special event package received Marlins yarmulkes.
There will be a Christian hip hop and rock concert on the plaza outside the park following the game on Beast Mode For Christ Fellowship Day.