what – all the ‘red’ states had a 100% vote for Bush, and all 100% were religious anti-gay nuts too? weird, this must have been some other election I didn’t take note of. Last time I looked Bush got over 40% of the vote in New York state, and Kerry got over 40% in Virgina – who are we telling to fuck off again, I’m confused. And I didn’t know Ohio was part of the confederacy.
according to exit polls over 60% of the nation think gay marriage/union should be legal – I think this must mean that some crazy ass southern evangelical slaveholder republican redneck bigot idiots must have agreed.
And what’s so great about low divorce rates, really? What’s so fucking great about Massachussetts?
“what’s so fucking great about Massachusettes”?
they’ve got some good Shaker Furniture stores (well, one, anyway).
And there’s a lot to do there. Like, drive to New York.
some guy named Herbert Walker something was born in MA I think. WJ Clinton – he from Arkansas right? I’m really confused now.
i love it when arch overreactions follow lame attempts at stereotypical humor. but that’s just me.
i love it when people can’t get over a fucking election. but that’s just me.
Yeah, let’s all ‘get over’ the election. That was last week, people! Let’s talk about The Polar Express!
I love it when people talk about the Polar Express. But that’s just me.
what – all the ‘red’ states had a 100% vote for Bush, and all 100% were religious anti-gay nuts too? weird, this must have been some other election I didn’t take note of. Last time I looked Bush got over 40% of the vote in New York state, and Kerry got over 40% in Virgina – who are we telling to fuck off again, I’m confused. And I didn’t know Ohio was part of the confederacy.
according to exit polls over 60% of the nation think gay marriage/union should be legal – I think this must mean that some crazy ass southern evangelical slaveholder republican redneck bigot idiots must have agreed.
And what’s so great about low divorce rates, really? What’s so fucking great about Massachussetts?
“what’s so fucking great about Massachusettes”?
they’ve got some good Shaker Furniture stores (well, one, anyway).
And there’s a lot to do there. Like, drive to New York.
some guy named Herbert Walker something was born in MA I think. WJ Clinton – he from Arkansas right? I’m really confused now.
i love it when arch overreactions follow lame attempts at stereotypical humor. but that’s just me.
i love it when people can’t get over a fucking election. but that’s just me.
Yeah, let’s all ‘get over’ the election. That was last week, people! Let’s talk about The Polar Express!
I love it when people talk about the Polar Express. But that’s just me.