(Crews plan all night dig to find 1-20 Jason Giambi’s current batting average)

As today’s Gothamist reported, “Yankees President Randy Levine said team officials at first considered leaving the shirt where it was.œThe first thought was, you know, it™s never a good thing to be buried in cement when you™re in New York, Levine said. œBut then we decided, why reward somebody who had really bad motives and was trying to do a really bad thing?

On Saturday, construction workers who remembered the employee, Gino Castignoli, phoned in tips about the shirt™s location.œWe had anonymous people come tell us where it was, and we were able to find it, said Frank Gramarossa, a project executive with Turner Construction, the general contractor on the site.It took about five hours of drilling Saturday to locate the shirt under 2 feet of concrete, he said.

On Sunday, Levine and Yankees CEO Lonn Trost watched as Gramarossa and foreman Rich Corrado finished the job and pulled the shirt from the rubble.

In shreds from the jackhammers, the shirt still bore the letters œRed Sox on the front. It was a David Ortiz jersey, No. 34.

Trost said the Yankees had discussed possible criminal charges against Castignoli with the district attorney™s office.

œWe will take appropriate action since fortunately we do know the name of the individual, he said.