(…and he lost one of ’em to Happy Walters!)

From the Virginia Pilot’s Tim McGlone and Kyle Tucker.

Atlanta Falcons cornerback and Hampton native Jimmy Williams and NBA rookie Shawne Williams (above) received more than $100,000 in cash and other items from a Norfolk lawyer while they were college athletes, according to lawsuits filed against the players.

The lawyer, Carl C. La Mondue, is seeking repayment, plus interest, of $55,109 from Jimmy Williams and his father and $49,494 from Shawne Williams, according to the lawsuits filed Nov. 8 in Norfolk Circuit Court.

Jimmy Williams and Shawne Williams, who are not related, have not yet responded to the lawsuits. Both turned pro in the spring.

While Jimmy Williams was a student at Virginia Tech, he and his father received from La Mondue $8,700 in merchandise, including clothes and shoes, phone service, hotel rooms and a tattoo, according to the suit. The remaining $46,000 and change were given in cash, the papers say. It does not itemize what was received by the father or the son.

The cash and merchandise were given between November 2004 and November 2005, the suit says. Jimmy Williams was a junior and senior at Tech those years.

Cash withdrawals ranging from $300 to $600 were made during that time in Ghent, Hampton and Blacksburg, the suit says. La Mondue says he is owed $1,500 by Jimmy Williams and his father for an appearance at the Hampton Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court. La Mondue says he is owed $310 for the tattoo.

La Mondue (above) also asserts that he is owed $2,187 for a shopping spree on Sept. 12, 2005, in which clothes, shoes and a car stereo were purchased, and a $500 cash transfer from that day.

LaMondue’s glorious, 1995-style website claims the solicitor, “emphasizes, honesty, integrity, trust and respect as cornerstone principles of providing personal attention to individuals and companies in the Hampton Roads community.”