While the NBA continues to punish players for vulgar behavior Toronto-born Drake remains the chosen “World Ambassador” of the Raptors. As a cred card-carrying rapper, Drake’s pro forma: He raps savage hate, boasts, sexually degradation, dead end street obscenities and, of course, the N-word.

In spite of that, or, more likely because of it, Drake recently was the NBA’s choice as the now-requisite entertainment-side presence and promoter of the 2016 All-Star Game in Toronto.

Within days of Drake’s embracement by the NBA, he released a video/album so vile he even put the squirm to some rap apologists, rationalizers, panderers and those too late to wonder why.

So what now prevents the NBA from drawing a line, somewhere, other than in front of its players? What prevents it from saying, “Ya know what, Drake? We’re better than that. Or at least we’re going to try to be. Thanks, anyway.”

Phil Mushnick, New York Post, November 15, 2013

If you’re wondering why Drake could’ve gotten the idea that liberally dropping N-bombs didn’t justify becoming a pariah, perhaps he read Phil’s recent argument that Riley Cooper had it worse than Delmon Young?