Life’s a riot when implying zipper problems? From the Memphis Commercial Appeal :

Arkansas football coach Houston Nutt said in an open letter Tuesday that Razorback fans who obtained records regarding his school-issued cell phone and suggested he had an improper relationship with a woman were spreading “unfounded gossip” that had hurt his wife.

Cell-phone records obtained by fans and media under Arkansas’ Freedom of Information Act showed that Nutt exchanged text messages with the cell phone of television news anchor Donna Bragg more than 1,000 times over a six-week period, including once just 19 minutes before the start of the Capital One Bowl on Jan. 1.

Nutt said his correspondence was appropriate communication with a friend and colleague, some of it about her work for a nonprofit organization with which he is involved. “Any allegation or suggestion that our professional and personal friendship or involvement goes beyond that is false, careless, and purposefully vindictive,” Nutt wrote.

The material obtained has not indicated what any of the text messages said. The coach, under fire after the departures of a popular assistant coach and freshman quarterback Mitch Mustain, said he would have released the texts but that the phone company had informed his lawyer they were not available.