It’s rather shameful that the story below is of greater importance at CSTB than Mike York’s 2 goals and 3 assists against St. Louis, but that’s why there are proper hockey blogs for that kind of thing.

From the Edmonton News’ Brookes Merritt.

At 101 years young, Edmonton’s Lilian Hosking is still star-struck.

The birthday girl’s only wish this year was to run her fingers through Oilers star Ryan Smyth’s hair, and when she got the chance to do just that at the Meadowcroft Senior’s Residence yesterday afternoon, the gentle touch of her delicate hands made the hockey star blush.

“It was my wish to see Smitty,” said Hosking, who’s birthday was Sunday. “I can’t believe he’s here. I love to watch him skate up and down the ice and bang in goals. And I love his hair. I hope he never cuts it.”

Smyth showed up at the seniors’ home to surprise Hosking and present her with a cake, an autographed number 101 Oilers sweater and two brownies shaped like pucks.