Or maybe they’ll skip those nasty carbs and just have some refreshing sparkling water. The New York Daily News’ Bill Madden and Anthony McCarron report.

Mets General Manager Omar Minaya and aide Tony Bernazard were planning on leaving the GM meetings in Indian Wells, Calif., today and going to Yuma, Ariz., to meet face-to-face with free agent catcher Bengie Molina, according to sources at the meetings. It’s believed it’s more of a “getting to know you” session. The Mets weren’t expected to make an offer yet.

Also, Minaya has begun courting Japanese superstar Kenji Jojima, another source said. He has spoken to Jojima’s agent, Alan Nero, by phone and is expected to meet with Nero about Jojima sometime next week. The Yankees are also believed to be interested in Molina and Jojima.

Molina, 31, batted .295 in 2005 with 69 RBI and a career-high 15homers. Molina, who has two brothers who are also major league catchers, won the AL Gold Glove in both 2002 and 2003. The Yankees also have interest in Molina and Jojima.

None of the above catchers, however, could ID the guitar player for Savatage. But you can’t cling to the past.