For those with short memories, here’s pt. I.

And if you’re just checking in, Red Sox reliever Mike Timlin (hearts) God, hunting and shares a hard-on for archery with New Weird America poster child Matt Ginter. From the Boston Globe’s Stan Grossfield (link supplied by Repoz of Baseball Think Factory).

‘With archery, you have to visualize where you want the arrow to go,” he added. ”It’s the same thing with pitching. I don’t look at Varitek’s glove. I look inside his glove. It’s a focus control. His webbing is real loose. Light will show through sometimes, or a lace. So that’s a smaller area. If the kill zone on a pig is the size of a football, I aim for the laces.”

Timlin explains the ground rules to a photographer, who only shoots photographs.

”Pigs see kind of bad, but their hearing is excellent,” he says. ”Don’t shoot until after I shoot. Then if we hit one, we don’t go after it right away. We’ve got to track ’em.”

Some feral hogs can run 200 yards after they are wounded and the surrounding area is swampy.

Timlin wants to harvest the meat. ”You have to look and listen after the shot,” he says. ”I don’t condone shooting things and leaving ’em laying in there. They’re as fast as deer, they’re tough. If wounded or cornered, they are nasty.”

Timlin says using a bow and arrow is more exciting than a gun.

”When you shoot a gun, you point it at a target and never actually see the bullet. With an arrow, you can actually see the arrow leave and get to the target, but you have to be a lot closer.”

Timlin remembers a special takeout request.

”David Wells asked me to bring him back some for breakfast,” he says. ”And I’d like to get some sausages made up in Fort Myers. That sounds good.”