(above : a mysterious, boiling vat of something or other,not unlike one Jerry Jones might fall into if he’s not careful)
Do editors at the NY Times routinely read portions of the paper besides their own? I ask because today’s Media section has a longish piece on new pressing plants in Bordentown, NJ and Memphis, TN barely a month after the World section featured the story of Lodnice’s Gramofonove Zavody (aka GZ Media). It would seem the paper of record has moved on from their every-10-months obligatory (you pick) RSD/record shops/”hey they still sell turntables” articles to instead focus on the manufacturing process. It doesn’t take a genius to see where this is going (and that’s pretty lucky, because most of you aren’t geniuses) :
January, Sunday Styles : Matt Harvey and Michael Dorf having brunch (at a pressing plant)
February, Decision 2016 : a Chris Christie photo op at Bordentown’s Independent Record Pressing (suddenly the state’s single biggest employer) turns ugly when crony Jerry Jones falls into a boiling vat of lye. It’s all the more curious because there’s no need for a boiling vat of lye in the record pressing process.
March, Science : Nashville’s URP unveils plans to manufacture a ltd. edition Jack White 7″ on the eve of Record Store Day 2016, but they’ll have it in stores for Record Store Day 2015 thru the advent of time travel.
Article #4:
Roscoe “Nasty” Magnus, Sleeve-Designing Icon of a New Generation of Vinyl Fans, Dies at 27
by Peter Keepnews
Article #5
“Brooklyn couple make artisanal 45 RPM adapters in a converted AMC Pacer.”