It was unveiling time at the Rose Garden, and The Oregonian’s Ryan White measures elation over Portland’s new arrivals versus the fact that Zach Randolph and Darius Miles (above) aren’t going anywhere.

There were also a few of the same old problems from the past, questions that had to be asked and the realization that Portland’s two highest paid players are also its most newsworthy and least interesting.

Over at the Zach Randolph interview, he had this to say: “I’m just here to play basketball.” And he said it over, and over and over again.

Darius Miles? You could hardly hear a word Miles had to say, and judging by what did make it over the crowd, not a thing was missed.

Nothing to see there, but it’s impossible to move on.

Team president Steve Patterson stood behind his lectern, smiled and said over and over that the Blazers have seven new players. He wouldn’t say that he’d like you to forget about the two giant question marks making a combined $132 million, but, look, the Blazers have seven new players.

Also, the Blazers have seven new players. That’s seven.