DraftExpress is on top of the private workout scene, descriping a recent Leon Powe / Louis Amundson (above) duel as “a boxing match” the latter got the better of. More disconcerting for Duke acoloytes, however, is the following review :

J.J. Redick conducted a workout held by Arn Tellem in Southern California, also featuring Brandon Roy. Many NBA personnel made the trek, but almost all unanimously came away disappointed by the outcome. “If I wanted to watch J.J. Redick shoot threes in a gym all day long, I would’ve stayed home and watched tapes of him warming up for Duke.” one NBA scout complained. “A humongus waste of time, ” said another. “If you don’t want to let your clients beat each other up and hurt each other’s stock, that’s fine, but why call us all in?”

The Detroit News’ Joanne C. Gerstner writes that LeBron James has a unique way of looking at the institution of marriage.

James set off a minor media hubbub during a pre-game interview, due to how he answered a question about whether he had spoken to Larry Hughes.

He said his wife had spoken with Hughes™ wife. One small issue: James, up until that point, was believed to be unmarried.

Reporters pounced, wondering if he had some secret wedding news to share.

James hedged a bit about his relationship with Savannah Brinson (above, right, also the mother of his toddler son, LeBron James Jr.), saying, œwhen she™s living in your house, she™s your wife. But he never denied or confirmed he was married.

Congratulations to Henry Abbott, today celebrating the one year anniversary of the debut of True Hoop. Similar congrats are due to Need4Sheed’s Natalie Sitto, profiled in today’s Detroit Free Press.