(EDITOR’S NOTE : As you’ve undoubtedly read elsewhere, former Stone Temple Pilots/Velvet Revolver vocalist Scott Weiland passed away on Thursday. Weiland’s misadventures and public statements made him something of a fixture throughout CSTB’s 12 year run, but few of yesterday’s eulogies saw fit to mention Scott’s deep devotion to the Notre Dame football program. From January 10, 2007, “Myers : Coughlin Reign Of Error To Continue” – GC)

Though it will come as news to the New York Post’s Paul Schwartz (“Tom Coughlin hasn’t been fired as the head coach of the Giants, but the team yesterday did not confirm he’ll be back, either,”), the New York Daily News’ Gary Myers reports that Tom Coughlin’s reward for a 2-7 finish is a one-year reprieve.

The healing process from three years of turmoil starts today, when the Giants are expected to announce Coughlin has agreed to a one-year extension and Jerry Reese has been promoted to general manager.

Ultimately, the Giants decided that Coughlin gives them a better chance to win in 2007 than anybody they could hire right now, with Charlie Weis staying at Notre Dame and Bill Cowher taking the year off. They had no desire to go out and find the next Eric Mangini and risk coming up with the next Les Steckel.

Besides members of the Coughlin household, the single most relieved man in America might be musical avatar Scott Weiland, who as widely reported on websites that usually don’t follow his every movement, was shitting bricks over the possibility of Charlie Weis heading for the Swamp.

Though Deadspin’s Will Leitch characterizes Weiland’s fixation with Notre Dame as “inexplicable” (sorry, inexplicable is being an avowed Bowie acolyte yet sounding like Eddie Vedder Jr.), careful followers of the Velvet Revolver frontman’s words of wisdom are no strangers to his love affair with South Bend. From last September 8 :

Go Irish!! I haven’t seen a Notre Dame team play with such focus and urgency in years. The offence was executed with surgical efficiency you see in Florida teams. You see them dominate defenses with their pro aspects and deliveries. But the Irish? Is this too good to be true? Gosh darn Brady Quin, you looked like Joe Montana! Offensive line, running game, tight ends, defense, special teams, this is the game one I’ve been dreaming of for years.Coach Weisse, you’re the coach I’ve been praying about for a long time now. Now a lot of folks are going to say, “Don’t get ahead of yourself,” and that’s probably true. However when was the last time anyone saw the Irish play like that? These boys have attitude! Damn that was Fun!- Scott

If things don’t work out with Velvet Revolver, Scott might well have a future writing a daily column for Blogcritics.org.