(The Fly. Not singlehandedly responsible for TSN’s near-demise, but some might argue otherwise)

Noting that the internet explosion rendered The Sporting News’ longtime saving grace (stats aplenty!) redundant, David Scott of Scott’s Shots surveys TSN’s recent online initiatives. If “The Sporting Blog” doesn’t sound like a catchy title to you, rest assured, they would’ve had copyright problems with “The Fanhaus”.

TSN forged on, despite frequent rumors that it was expiring. Former TSN owner (currently toying with the Seahawks and Trailblazers) Paul Allen built out TSN™s radio network, propped the title up a bit and found a willing buyer in 2006. It appears that buyer, American City Business Journals, is willing to invest in the web (and other platforms) and now “ despite some peculiar lay out, linkage and a dearth of visitors thus far at œThe Sporting Blog “ ACBJ appears to be embracing some of the just-off-main street bloggers who have already built loyal audiences and convinced skeptical advertisers.

It™s not a new trend by any means (see: ESPN with the Henry Abbotts of the world), but it is very new for the dinosaurian TSN. TSN now appears to be finding its life support from the strangest of places: Sports Blogger Land. Dan Shanoff, Leitch (for the Super Bowl anyway), and Awful Announcing are only a few of the names TSN is luring with regular paying gigs. Yahoo!, you™ll recall, started down a similar path with Jamie Mottram and will likely continue that type of expansion.

. . . Looks like Darren Rovell and Shots are thinking along the same lines. It is a fairly remarkable turn around (on the surface) for TSN.

Indeed, some of TSN’s new cronies have indeed proven they have their own established voices and audiences. While there’s a few others who might even have trouble cracking the MVN roster.