Houston F forward Donatas Motiejunas (above) told a Lithuanian radio show last month that teammates James Harden and Dwight Howard were too big time to dine with the rest of the squad.  After said remarks were circulated worldwide, Motiejunas would like everyone to know he was only kidding.  From the Houston Chronicle’s Jonathan Feigen :

“The radio show, the guys that work there, make fun of everybody,” Motiejunas, who called from Lithuania said. “It’s a funny radio show. Everybody in Lithuania listens. They told me to try to be funny, try to make the jokes. They told me to be free. They asked some question. I joked about one thing. I joked about the other thing.

“They asked about the team. I tried to be funny. They asked how they (Harden and Howard) approach the team. I told them like, “Hey, they’re not with us. I stay alone.’ Then the journalists in Lithuania took the interrview and took it serious and posted my interview. I didn’t talk with no journalists. It was just a fun radio show.”

Motiejunas said on the radio show “Basically I just say ‘Hello’ and ‘goodbye’ to them.

“They eat different food from me. They eat fast food.”