Though beating up on the Sonics’ Vladimir Radmanovich is about as dignified as pushing George Wallace down the stairs, who’s to say the former Alabama Governor wouldn’t have deserved it? From Fox Sports’ Charley Rosen.
Radmanovic turned down a six-year, $42 million pact from the Sonics, opting for a lesser one-year deal that will make him an unrestricted free agent next year. Even though he can’t handle the ball, can’t pass, doesn’t play defense, and is a totally one-dimensional player who must shoot close to fifty percent to benefit his ball club, Radmanovic can’t understand not only why he’s not getting beaucoup minutes, but why he isn’t starting in the first place.
Perhaps V-Rad should take a look at his stats ” he’s shooting less than 37 percent, has averaged less than three rebounds per game, has nearly as many turnovers as assists, and attempts less than one free throw per game.
Here’s what an ex-teammate had to say about Radmanovic: “The more this stiff played, the less chance we had of winning.”
So who’s more of a numbskull? Radmanovic? Or Seattle’s GM, Wally Walker, who made the original and outrageous long-term offer to begin with?
The Boston Globe’s Peter May reports on a Shammond Williams sighting.
It seems that the coach of FC Barcelona, Dusko Ivanovic, was more than a bit upset after his team lost, 82-70, to Llanera Menorca. Ivanovic, who has a reputation for being a bit of wing nut, lashed out at Shammond Williams (above), who called Boston home for a while. Williams picked up a technical and then, according to the game report, struck an opponent in the face near the end of the game. ”There are players who have shown me they don’t have any character, and if that’s the case, it’s going to be hard for them to stay at the club,” Ivanovic fumed. Well, a couple of days later, Williams redeemed himself with a 24-point performance in a 65-60 victory, and all was well again.