“Hatred For Broncos’ Tim Tebow Is Fascinating, Complex”, reads the headline for CNBC business reporter Darren Rovell‘s piece on the (allegedly) widespread animus aimed at Denver’s 24-Year-Old-Virgin. A day after the former Heisman winner narrowly defeated the worst team in the NFL, Rovell attempts to determine why anyone might dislike the saintly QB and he comes up with a whopping two conclusions. a) they’re jealous, and b) Tebow is overexposed.

It seems like haters do come out stronger than those that love him on days like yesterday, where he played horribly for the first 55 minutes of the game. Bill Glenn, the managing director at The Marketing Arm, which runs the Davie-Brown Index, thinks it starts with jealousy.

“They probably hate because success breeds contempt,” Glenn said. “He’s kind of like the goody two shoes you knew in high school. Nobody’s perfect but he seems to be. He wins BCS titles in college, the Heisman and goes to prisons and speaks.”

There’s also disdain because of the perception that he gets more time than he deserves by the media.

Rovell, who prefers taking polls via Twitter to say, 5 or ten minutes of actual research, conveniently neglects to mention Tebow’s role as an anti-abortion activist Jeff Pearlman has characterized Tebow’s missionary work as “going to poor outposts to peddle a particular (historically questionable) vision of Godliness to the ‘savages'”. Suffice to say, Tim’s humanitarian efforts in places far flung do not extend to handing out free condoms. So the weariness over all the Tebow fawning isn’t simply resentment over his success. Some of us would would be sick of the guy even if he was 3rd on the Broncos depth chart.