As mentioned previously in the space, if you think listening to Sirius/XM’s Dino Costa opine on sporting matters is an intellectual suicide mission, his forays into the realm of social matters are substantially less efferverscent (if such a thing was possible). Perhaps fearful his role as Mad Dog Radio’s resident doofus on world affairs might be usurped by his evening colleague, Chris Russo (above) tackled the matter of Saints QB Drew Brees comparing the NFL’s Bounty Gate evidence to Iraq’s non-existent WMD’s.
On Tuesday, Russo was read Brees’ offending tweet, which inspired this response :
“I don’t care about Brees. I pay no attention to him. So he doesn’t like (George W.) Bush. An athlete doesn’t like Bush. None of them like Bush. How’s Iraq doing right now, pretty good? We got rid of a despot, right?”
The Dog ended this line of analysis by calling Brees, “a phony” who was “just out for Tom Benson’s millions”. Indeed, what could be more distasteful than a former Super Bowl winner trying to maximize his earning power while he still can? Certainly not an afternoon sports radio host barely conversant with his own program’s topics.
Honestly I am not easily following the underlying story here (which doesn’t feel so great, if this radio jock supposedly has command of it) but, is this based on comparing the Gregg Williams teams to 2003-era Iraq? Perhaps the sheriff ought to dispatch the league’s analogy SEALs
whether or not Brees’ inelegant analogy was appropriate is not something I care much about (unlike, say, Russo’s producer, who claimed the QB had dissed the NFL, football fans and the war effort in one fell swoop). What I find notable, however, is that the Doggie takes exception to a professional athlete even mentioning WMD’s, as though acknowledging what the entire world knows to be bullshit…is an example of the rich sportsmen clique bashing George W.? Really, what the fuck, Chrissie?
please stop listening to mad dog radio
Russo’s intro says it all…radio nowhere
Have actually not heard more than a few seconds’ worth of ranty Russo until today (I hope today will prove anomalous) but was merely observing that his politicalish opinionating might be of the exploding-cigar variety, given the under-cogent properties of said tweet. And to cite the relevant Wikipedia/agency bio: “This article is about the radio host. For the Apprentice 2 candidate with the same name, see ‘The Apprentice 2 candidates’ [link]. For the UFO hoaxster with the same name…”