Well played, young Elie. I can only stand back and admire the comic timing employed when you refer to Adonal Foyle as a “fan favorite.”

There’s been a Jimmy King sighting. Briefly, but a sighting just the same.

On a somewhat less spectacular tip, there was a Von Wafer sighting in downtown Austin this morning, as the Colorado 14ers dropped a 101-100 decision to the Toros before a claimed attendence (whatever) of 2574. Former Longhorns P.J. Tucker and Brad Buckman were reunited on an Austin floor, albiet on seperate teams, neither doing much to demonstrate their pro careers are likely to progress beyond the D-League.

KFAN’s Dan Barreiro observes the T-Wolves’ sacking of Dwane Casey and surmises Minnesota picked the wrong patsy.

If you’re Kevin McHale, you take out a guy who, whatever his limitations, worked harder at his job than you ever did yours, and deserved more rope, or at least an amount closer to the all–too-considerable amount you have already had. Must help to have the country club founder’s tin ear.

But in the country club, you’re never forced to hold yourself accountable, only others. So Glen Taylor won’t blame himself for his part in the Joe Smith fiasco, and for his part in giving his vice president of basketball operations spoken permission to punch out at 5, or even for his part in hiring Casey.

McHale won’t acknowledge all the blown No. 1 draft choices, the flawed, unbalanced roster, the stupid obsession with every player who belongs to his buddy Bill Duffy, and the flat-out laziness.